onsdag 26 november 2008

SFIS Liveblogging Countdown...

Tomorrow 27 November is the first day of the SFIS Business or Pleasure conference here in Stockholm. Hope to see your live comments here! :-)
All presentations will be in Swedish but I will try to cover some of them in English.


The presentations that I'm going to cover:

Thursday 27 November

Keynote Speaker 1: Morris Packer, Mobile Services, Bonnier Group:
"Transparency as a work tool - how a small bunch with total transparency as a tool can change the whole media trade."

Sofia Mirjamsdotter, debate editor at Sundsvall Tidning:
"How the media can take advantage of social media."

Dick Stenmark, associate professor of informatics at Göteborg University. "How do you search? - User behavior with and without search engine."

Lennart Guldbrand Sson, chairman Wikimedia Sweden:
"How Wikipedia works."

Friday 28 November

Introduction and distribution of Swets Fellowship

Keynote speaker 2: Isto Huvila, Researcher at the Information Administration, Turku Academy, "The Information specialist and the 2.0 Generation"

Viveca Nystrom, Consultant VN Archives & Library, "Library + Business = 3 hits in Libris."

Peter Almerud, freelancer and editor of the newsletter Info Brief and the magazine Info Trends, "Info Brief - news and trends in the information industry."

Speed Sliding with Ake Nygren, Lars Iselid, Erik Stattin and Jonas Mosskin.

World Internet Project Report 2009 - interesting results!

Peter Alsbjer points out three interesting conclusions from "the first comparative, global study undertaken by the social, economic, cultural and political changes that the digital communications are leadning to":

- Regarding women's use of the Internet, Sweden is at the top
- Sweden has the highest percentage of middle-aged Internet users
- Sweden is worst at using the Internet in distance learning

Read more on Peters blog ...

Download and read the report...

söndag 23 november 2008

Virtuella världar - Science Fiction eller vardagsmat?

Linda Tillander och Victor Sarge på Regionbibliotek Halland (kolla in deras blogg!)inspirerar och väcker tankar. Deras kursdag kunde med fördel gå på export över landet. Kontakta Linda och Victor om du vill att de ska komma och virtualisera just ditt bibliotek! :-)

Will be liveblogging from SFIS - Business or Pleasure?

lördag 22 november 2008

The Burj Dubai jump

When I watched this it felt as if I was there.

This is what librarianship is (should be) all about!

community building, social cohesion, being where the users are, mobility = roving librarian, unexpected meetings...

fredag 21 november 2008

NordLib2008: Realising the Potential Of Web 2 0 (slides)

NordLib2008: Libraries meet research 2.0 (slides)

NordLib2008 Live

My first intention was to liveblog from here but I sort of think it's a better idea to join the conversation on the conference blog instead, don't you agree? So that's what I'm going to do now. Let's join the conversation here!

torsdag 20 november 2008


NordLib2008 attendees: don't forget to tag your tweets and flickr photos with #nordlib2008. Looking forward to the event, c u 2morrow! :-)

RSS +Tabbloid + ISSU

Your favourite RSS feed in PDF format, that's the cool idea behind Tabbloid
If you then upload the PDF to ISSUE it gets even more interesting. Here's an example made with an RSS feed from Google News, keyword: bibliotek:

onsdag 19 november 2008

Ibland är blogginlägg en fantastiskt mångsidig och sinnlig upplevelse...

... inte minst Erik Stattins. Här är nog ett av hans nutida mästerstycken i genren: Jag antar att det finns en röd tråd någonstans. En associativ ström av märkliga iakttagelser som skulle kunna fånga ens uppmärksamhet en hel förmiddag. Ett enda blogginlägg.....

tisdag 18 november 2008

eCitizen 2.0

The eCitizen 2.0 report, commissioned by the Ministry for Government and Administration Reform, recommends that the public sector to a larger extent has to regard citizens as collaborating partners rather than as passive recipients of information.

via epractice.eu

söndag 16 november 2008

Testing Windows Live Writer

I know, it IS a Microsoft product, and one should know better by now. I know. But on ProBlogger.net the Windows Live Writer is mentioned as an Essential PC Apps for Bloggers. And since this actually is an open tool for a change (you can use it with WP, Blogger etc... not just Microsoft products) I thought well let's try it out!

What is Windows Live Writer? It's an editing tool that supposedly boosts your blogging experience, helping you publish your content in a smoother and nicer way. I'm writing this inside Writer and after I've finished the editing it will all be published to Blogger, my preferred blogging tool at the moment.

This is what it looks like inside, while editing in Live Writer:


The "insert photo" feature was better than in Blogger, nice!

There's one feature called Insert Map where you can zoom to and save a location and finally insert it in your blogpost. I tried this twice but the only result was this:

. Just a link, not an embedded customized map as I had hoped.  Maybe it shows up after publishing the blogpost?

That's all for now, now I'll press the Publish button and see what happens!

torsdag 13 november 2008

Gmail voice and video - yes!

The best e-mail client gets even better: Gmail is now loaded with voice and video chat. So simple. And so brilliant.

onsdag 12 november 2008

Will be liveblogging from NordLib 2.0

NordLib 2.0 next Friday is going to be a really interesting event: it's one of the first real efforts in the Swedish library world to actually try out different Web 2.o tools in a conference context. Not just talking, but also learning by doing! :-) The conference is (of course) on Facebook, the event will be streamed live and on the conference blog there is already some interesting comments worth responding to - in brief, the conference team seems to be very focused on making this into an extraordinary learning experience!

Please join the conversation - first of all on the conference blog - but also, if you like, here on Bibl.se! Just like the conference organizers (and other bloggers?) I will also be liveblogging from the event, making use of the cool tool Coveritlive. Just saw, by the way, that it now also has Twitter integration... can't wait to try it out!

tisdag 11 november 2008

A laugh before going to bed

It's horribly late (01.42, and I'm off to Zurich super early 2morrow morning, and I urgently need to get some sleep, I know!... but just one funny video before the bedbugs, ok? :-)

via Conny Crosby

torsdag 6 november 2008

Kulturvision 2030 - häng på debatten!

Läs Ingvar Sjöbergs intressanta betraktelse här och häng på diskussionen!

onsdag 5 november 2008

iPhone is the future of libraries

At Internet Librarian International 2008, Thomas Brevik said something like: "iPhone is the future of libraries" So, when are we going to hold the future in our hands? Well, never, as long as we keep banning it in the libraries....

Here is a presentation at the core of library services:

Libraries to Go: Mobile Tech in Libraries

Via iLibrarian (Ellyssa Kroski)

tisdag 4 november 2008

Give the digital conversations some AIR!

Aaaahhhh.... Adobe AIR is like a smooth Mac-ish layer on top of a dull PC environment. Installed it the other day and must say I'm pleased. AIR based TweedDeck gives new life to Twitter and Readair spices up Google Reader. Both really worth trying!

Another thing worth doing is adding that magazine reading feeling to RSS. I recently re-discovered how pleasant and more enjoyable it is to read blog feeds when you actually can see the content, not just the headlines, and also embedded photos and videos. And it's just a mouse-click away: share your Google Reader feed online (published folders) and you'll get a much more attractive reading interface compared to reading inside Google Reader.

This is what my favourite Google Reader feed looks like when published: Biblioteksbloggar ("Library Blogs", which in my case means all kinds of blogs that are relevant to library folks, at least to me ;-)

Are you a Mac or a PC?

via BaturalpTorun

Idea Store online seminar @Adobe Connect

You don't want to miss this!
Read more and register here for the free online seminar!

C u there!

måndag 3 november 2008

Generation We

Michael Stephens is wondering: How will we serve the new WE Generation in our libraries? I would add: When are we going to accept them back office? When are they going to be our co-workers?

via Tametheweb


People who are completely paralyzed due to illness or trauma are getting help communicating with a new technology that connects their brains to a computer.

Watch CBS Videos Online

Read more on Lifehacker